Our Garden
Discover our multi-faceted community garden
We have a beautiful community garden where volunteers from our local community grow fruit, vegetable and lots of flowers. The garden has been part of the farm since 2017 and is growing bigger and more beautiful every year. In 2020 we added our glasshouse.
In 2020 we were selected as the southern regional winner of Cultivation Street’s Community Gardens of the year. Which is brilliant recognition for all the hard work so many people put into making our garden a beautiful and thriving space for our community and for nature. In 2021 we were shortlisted for Open House London - Open Spaces Stewardship Award.
Main garden
The main community garden was cleared in 2017 by a group of volunteers and has been evolving and growing ever since. It has a pergola and spaces to sit and enjoy the plants and wildlife, as well as beds, 2 greenhouses and lots of space dedicated to growing stock both for the gardens and for selling.
Cedar glasshouse
The cedar greenhouse is the latest addition to our garden. It was completed in 2020 and immediately became one of the most loved spaces. It been used for theatre recitals, workshops, garden work and to protect our seedlings and garden team from the cold.
Herb garden
In 2020 some of spaces outside were converted into a sensory herb garden with separate beds for smell, taste, sight and touch, which the children enjoy very much. Pallets were repurposed to create a fence, and a bench has recently been added.
Wild flower spaces
In 2019, we expanded our garden beyond the gates and turned the abandoned and overgrown space outside into an ever growing number of wildflower beds. This is a haven for bees and all other forms of wildlife, as well as a fun space for the kids - with a mud kitchen and pallet house - and a feast for the eyes in Spring.
Raised beds
The main garden has 10 raised beds built by our volunteers used to grow vegetables and generally experiment with growing in a natural manner, trying out crop rotations, companion planting and any and every natural remedy we can find for slugs!
Interested in learning about gardening and getting involved?
We need people to join our small team of committed volunteers to help us grow our garden, manage and maintain it throughout the year.
Just come by on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday (see opening hours below) or email Anika via garden@clitterhouse.com