Plant sale
We hold plant sales from April to October. Come along!
Thursday 11am-3pm | Friday 12pm - 5pm | Saturday 10am-5pm
Buy plants and vegetable seedlings in the growing season during garden opening hours. Borrow our wheelbarrow to take your plants to your car and enjoy at home.
Our plants are grown with lots of love from our volunteers. We use no pesticides and only peat-free compost. We organically grow what we can on site from seeds and cuttings and source other stock from trusted suppliers that share our values and respect for nature without relying on pesticides. During winter we focus on propagating during the winter.
The revenue from our sales goes towards the project, in particular the garden space.
We look forward to seeing you at the garden and please tell your friends and family!
Opening Times
Thursday 11am - 3pm
Friday 12pm - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm